Big and tall guys work hard too. If you're one of them, you need to find suitable big and tall clothing for work to ensure your productivity. Naturally, big and tall clothes sizes are larger than regular measurements. Discover everything you need to know about to find the best piece of work clothing for you.
What Are Regular Clothing Sizes?
Before diving into big and tall clothing, let's understand what is considered regular regarding sizes. If you're under 200 pounds, under 6 feet tall, and your waist is roughly the same size or slightly smaller than your chest measurement, you likely belong to the regular category. But, if you fall outside that range, you probably need either big or tall or big and tall clothing.
The Difference Between Big and Tall Clothing
The difference between big and tall clothing is that big sizes are based on how wide you are in the hips, waist, and chest, whereas tall measures consider the length of your torso, arms, and legs. And, big and tall clothes combine these two measurements.
That means if you're big but not tall, you don't need big and tall clothing, just big. Also, if you're tall but not large, you won't need big and tall, just tall sizes. However, if you're tall and big, you'll need big and tall clothing. Some tall garments will suit big men, but big clothes might not fit tall men because of their leg and arm length.
What Are Big Clothing Sizes?
Big clothing sizes are normally designed to have a larger chest, shoulder, and neck measurements than regular garments. XL clothes fit people under 6'2" tall and have a waist size of 42-44", chest measurement of 46-48", and neck measurement of 17" or more.
You can find these sizes by searching for the XL (extra large) on the labels. Then, numbers and sizes increase from 2 to 8 or even 9XL.
Big vs Regular
There's more to big clothing than adding length - big clothes are more oversized in almost every area. Some even feature larger pockets, collars, and buttons to correspond to bigger bodies.
The regular sizing for the bottom half focuses on waist measurements and inseam, but big sizing functions differently. Big and tall clothing typically offers more waist sizes, stretchy materials, and extendable belts.
Do You Need Clothes for Big Men?
If regular shirts or other clothing are always too tight, then you should consider getting big clothing. If your waist measurement is larger than your chest, you'll likely benefit from wearing a relaxed fit that will feel more comfortable and look much better.
The exception here is athletic men and bodybuilders with huge backs and chests who still need big-sized clothing. They still need more significant cuts than regular options, even though they may have trunks much more prominent than their waist.
Note that if you qualify for big sizes doesn't mean you need tall measures.
What Are Tall Clothing Sizes?
Tall sizes are measured by your height, and consider your waist, chest, and neck measurements. Tall clothing usually has a label of LT, XLT and then increases to 2 up to 6XLT. These sizes typically fit men taller than 6'1" and have a waist measurement of 36-62, chest of 42-68, and neck of 16-24.
Tall vs Regular
You will often see tall sizes only in shirts and other clothes for your top half. Typically, tall shirt sizes will add 2" to the overall length and 1" to the sleeves' length. For example, a standard XL shirt typically measures 32", but the tall will be 34".
Do You Need Clothes for Tall Men?
If every long sleeve shirt is too short for you, you should go for tall sizes. Also, if you're 6'1" or taller and your chest is more prominent than your waist or roughly the same, it might be a good idea to consider tall clothing sizes but avoid big sizes.
That's because men built this way are tall enough for tall sizes but lack other proportions to wear oversized garments and look good in them. For that reason, these sizing options should be called big or tall instead of big and tall.
What Are Big and Tall Clothing Sizes?
Big and tall clothing is a combination of both. It takes your height and width measurements and combines them into one measure. So, big and tall clothes will suit you if you're taller than 6'1" and larger than 42" around your waist, 46" around your chest, and 17" in the neck area. Big and tall men's clothing will indicate on the label XLT going up to 6XLT.
So, if you're 6'1" or taller and your waist is bigger than your chest, or you're exceptionally athletic with a muscular back and chest, you're a good candidate for big and tall clothing sizes.
Do You Need Big, Tall, or Big and Tall Work Clothes?
It's easy to find the clothing size that suits you based on your width and height. Follow the measurements in the size chart and keep them in mind when shopping. Although sometimes it's just about how you feel about the clothes you wear, work clothes should fit you perfectly to avoid danger and discomfort.
Get Your Big and Tall Clothing for Work
Now that you know what is considered by big, tall, and big and tall clothes sizes, it's time to choose the best big and tall clothing for work for high performance at your job. From men's big and tall shirts and jackets to hoodies and FR clothing, we got you covered. All you need to do is find a perfect piece below and do your best.