If you are asking yourself - where are Double H boots made? - we’ll help you out and cover it in this blog, before we get to explaining how to find the perfect pair for yourself. But know that Double H boots have been a staple of the American footwear industry for over 60 years, and you don’t accomplish such longevity without providing value.
The History of the Work Western Style
The history of Double H boots starts in 1955 with their cowboy and work boots, produced in Richland, Pennsylvania. It started out as a local shoe company, until the facility was bought by the H. H. Brown Shoe Company (that’s where the Double H name comes from).
They were innovators in the work western style, as the first western boots with a safety toe in the U.S. were produced at the Richland plant. Over time their production facilities changed location – from Richland to Womelsdorf, and finally to Martinsburg, where it’s located today. So, the main plant is still located in PA.
Where Are Double H Boots Produced Currently?

This is not a simple question to answer. The primary production facility of Double H boots is located in Martinsburg, PA, as was stated previously. This means that a large portion of their western and work boots are still U.S. made.
However, some of their production has been outsourced overseas and to Mexico. But it’s mostly the casual and fashion lines that are outsourced, and not the western work boots. In any case, your best bet is to check the Country of Origin label. It will clearly state where the boots you want are made, so you can make your choice based on that.
Features You Want in Your Double H Boots
Regardless of the country of origin, there are more factors to consider when buying your boots. The primary feature you should keep in mind is the type of safety toe. We’ll discuss some additional features afterward. Naturally, the price is also important, but you know how much you’re willing to pay, so we won’t get into it.
The Safety Toe
Double H boots primarily have two types of safety toes – the steel and composite toe. While these two types may seem similar (and they do serve similar purposes), there are significant practical differences.
Western work boots with a steel toe provide the most protection you’ll get, hands down. There’s a good reason no significant innovations have been made to the steel toe in more than half a century. Steel toe footwear is the pinnacle of impact and compression protection. Whether it’s falling objects or a truck running over your foot, steel is the go-to for protection.
However, a steel toe has its downsides. For one, it adds weight to your footwear. A shoe with a bit of added weight may not seem significant, but it can be if you’re on your feet for 8 hours at a time. Then, steel is not good for very cold-weather environments. The steel gets cold quickly and will transfer it to your feet, so it’s not optimal for freezing weather.
Finally, we should discuss comfort. If your boots fit perfectly, you’ve got no issue. But if your boots are already a bit tight, a steel toe will cause you discomfort. Obviously, the steel won’t mold to your feet like leather will. So, make sure your Double H boots are the right size if you opt for a steel toe.
Footwear with a composite toe was developed to overcome the downsides of steel toes, while still providing protection. Mind you, your feet won’t be as protected. All work footwear must meet the minimum standards required of PPE. But that doesn’t mean that the maximum possible protection is the same.
On the upside, a composite toe work boot is a bit lighter and is appropriate to wear in cold-weather conditions, as the composite materials won’t transfer the cold. In essence, it’s a trade-off – less protection, but less weight and more comfort. So make your choice based on that.
Additional Features
There are many other features that are important when choosing western work boots, but many may not be important to you. Your boots can be waterproof, provide electrical resistance, have a puncture-resistant midsole, a slip- and oil-resistant outsole, and much more. Depending on where you plan to wear them, take your pick of the additional features.
The Styles of Western Boots

If there’s one thing that sets western boots apart from all other types of boots, it’s the appearance. And the shape of the toe plays a large part in their memorable look. The toe of Double H boots comes in 4 different shapes: the round, square, r-toe, and u-toe.
First off, each toe has a distinct appearance. So choose the type of toe you like best. Besides that, the toe can also affect your comfort level. If you have wider feet and generally have trouble finding work boots that don’t squeeze your toes, consider going for a wider toe.
In addition to the shape of the toe, the stitching on cowboy boots is what takes them home. You can find almost anything, from plain work boots with minimal stitching, to flamboyant Double H cowboy boots that will make anyone who sees you remember you instantaneously.
The Customer Is Always Right
At the end of the day, you are the customer, and the customer is always right. If you only want to get Double H boots made in the U.S., do so. Your selection won’t be limited in any way and you should have no trouble finding the boots with the features you need.